Saturday, April 12, 2014

Day Twelve, Part II

The Oaks are Blooming 

I have counted the ways
now let me tally them before anyone else will
and before I must stop thinking in “we” but instead as “I “

If given the chance, I would still elect
this many-pot-holed road that
did real damage so seldom

I would choose you again, before any,
would gladly fall in the steps that you tread
if just to keep your company, and
if just to learn the opposite of “no “

You will be waking from this dream…
You have packed and are ready to set out, but
there is one thing missing, which is this:

There would not be the me of today without you.
We caused these pieces that have readily come
and a part of me is traveling away from here today too.

* * * * * 
a 2nd 'golden shovel' poem of today based on a certain stanza from Rilke (same lines)

Can be found by Clicking Here

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