Saturday, April 14, 2018

NaPoWriMo 2018 - Day 14 - Dream Dictionary

Today's prompt for NaPoWriMo suggests writing entries for an imaginary dream dictionary.  One of the suggested entries was "Seagull" and away we go...entries for the Pessimist’s Guide to Understanding Dreams.


Seagulls appearing in dreams can have markedly different meanings, based on the circumstances in which they appear, which can be quite varied, because, you know... dreams.  Here are a few examples:
  • Typical:  
    • Seagull is hopping down the beach just out of reach, ever watchful.  
    • Possible Meaning: You are wary of being caught at something, uncertain of whether to trust the situation.  Living a hyper-vigilant life.  Chill out!  However, this could also mean something is eluding you and causing you frustration.  Let it go!
  • Also Pretty Normal:  
    • Seagull unloading their business on the dream protagonist's head while simultaneously taking off with the proffered Cheeto.  
    • Possible Meaning: You are just one of many whose life requires a hefty quotient of thankless tasks.  You feel used.  You are probably right.
  • Pretty Sketchy:  
    • Seagull grabs a hank of the dreamer's hair and begins screaming bloody murder, which excites the rest of the flock, instigating a tug-of-war that ends in baldness and media over-exposure.  
    • Possible Meaning: You have a book in you; it's the anti- Jonathan Livingston Seagull book of the year.  Prepare to bleed for your art, though.  And seek professional help.

Haiku that the cat dragged in...

I found this one in 'Draft' status from a previous year, so... Bonus poem!

The inspiration and prompt come from Mindlovemisery's Menagerie prompt:  "Heeding Haiku With HA:  To Derive Inspiration From Poetry - #1 William Blake: The Fly"

   I grazed your limp wing
   it seems Death got to you first
   and erased all thought